专注于互联网思维及码头物流行业的创新科技企业,通过移动互联网技术,开发新型网络智能码头物流运输服务系统,核心团队成员具有16年以上的码头物流行 业经验。货掌柜是杰昌货柜通自主研发的互联网垂直物流运输服务系统,通过移动互联网技术,整合资源促成“车货匹配”,为企业与司机搭建资料信息同步透明化、系统化的货柜运输下单平台。货掌柜秉持诚信、便捷、高效的服务宗旨,为广大客户节省成本实现共赢 ;目前已开通:盐田、蛇口、大铲湾、黄埔、南沙及东莞沙田港口集装箱运输服务。港口装卸能力、装卸工艺先期服务;
Archive for the ‘2018 January’ Category
2018年1月17日COLON FREE ZONE的海运.包括各种货物海运
2018年1月15日The headquarters of CTS International is located in Shanghai, the international shipping center. It mainly focuses on cross-border comprehensive logistics and supply chain trade services. CTS International, incorporated in Shanghai in 1984, is one of the earliest freight forwarding companies that has the license approved and issued by former Ministry of Commerce, Civil Aviation Administration and General Administration of Customs of PRC. Headquartered in Shanghai, CTS International has a relatively long history with a well-known brand name in the logistics industry.
2018年1月2日International Freight Forwarding agents in 2006 , We have taken human-oriented philosophy and the spirit of ‘trying hard to create value’; with the service tenet of “solidarity, credit, enterprising, innovation” and the service principle of “convenience, safe , economical and overbalance ”, we are committed to offer “one-stop” solutions for import & export corporations, trading company, enterprise and factories.