
十几家知名航空公司建立了密切的合作关系,能够在确保舱位的前提下获得理想的协议运价。同时,与香港同行强强联合,优势互补,对货量充足的航线推出自己的包板服务,降低的运营成本。配套服务:奇龙国际空运提供上门取货、代办代理商检、代办代理报关、派送上门等服务。奇龙国际施展多年报关的上风,能够在深圳机场、皇岗、文锦渡等口岸灵活处理一些难度较高的货物通关。同时配合一般商业及加工商业代办代理报关上风,能够为1吨以上的大货提供低本钱的通关服务,从而降低客户整体的运费钱。 Global, automated quotation process, competitive pricing and space allocation agreements. To help you better manage your landed and logistics costs
Continuous reporting and shipment visibility through our global information system., our service portal, provides track and trace and proactive event reporting. Flexibility and control for every shipment
Carrier performance metrics and quality standards ensure the best management of your freight. So does our expertise in transporting HazMat and temperature-sensitive products

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